Every once in a while I love a fresh, homemade juice. One of my all-time favorites is carrot juice with fresh ginger and oranges. It’s a great way to start your day the right way after a feast or a night out. All you need is a good juicer and fresh ingredients. I would also recommend not to peel the carrots and the ginger, many of the vitamins sit directly under the skin and through the juicing process you’ll already loose a lot.
- 8 – 10 large, fresh carrots
- 1 orange
- 2 stalks celery
- fresh ginger to taste
- fresh turmeric root to taste
- pinch of olive oil
- Juice all of the ingredients as listed above in a juicer, add olive oil into it and serve right away, enjoy!
*I recommend adding 1/4 tbsp of olive oil into the juice, which will allow your body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins from the carrot.
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