Bali. Bali is a tiny island in Indonesia, a ton of people visit this place every year and I have to say writing a post about it is going to be tough. After I’ve visited the island I noticed this is not my place on earth and it’s okay. Not everyone is the same, we all have different opinions, different mindsets and especially we all want different vacations. My expectations for Bali where pretty high right from the beginning. I saw a lot of documentaries and read a few blog posts but at the end, it was different. Yes, it is most of the time different than expected but it was absolutely not what I had pictured in my mind. The locals were so different, I didn’t feel welcomed and I had lots of problems with their food. Yes, I’m aware that everyone is different, but Bali, well I would say I just didn’t feel it at all.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson