Water is absolutely essential. You could probably survive for weeks without food. But you can live only a few days without water. Humans have no capacity to store “spare” water, so we must quickly replace any that’s lost. Overall, water makes up between 45 and 75 percent of a person’s weight. Leaner people have proportionately more water because muscle tissue is nearly three-fourths water by weight, whereas adipose tissue is only about 10% water. The one bit of chemistry that almost everyone can rattle off is the chemical formula for water: H2O. Water is such a simple molecule that people often do not appreciate its extraordinary physical and chemical properties.
Water’s strong surface tension, high heat capacity, and ability to dissolve many substances result from hydrogen bonds between a hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the oxygen atom of another water molecule. Water in your body contains numerous dissolved minerals, called electrolytes, that are kept in constant balance. To live, each cell must have just the right mix of water and electrolytes. Although intracellular and extracellular fluids have different mixes, the proportions in each must stay within a narrow range. Despite a continuous flow of molecules among intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, and the outside environment, the body maintains its electrolyte balance through the intake and excretion of water and the movement of ions.*
Functions of water in the human body:
- Heat capacity
- Cooling ability
- Participant in metabolism
- pH balance
- Body fluids
Tips that can help to stay hydrated:
- Take a bottle of water with you, I recommend using a reusable bottle
- Mix the taste of water if you add different kind of fruits into it, for example, slices of lemon and ginger, or fresh blackberries mixed with raspberries
- If you feel hungry, drink a big glass of water first – thirst is often confused with hunger even though true hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water
- Don’t forget to drink while working out
Things to consider
Recognize signs of dehydration is important. They might include:
- Fatigue
- Dry Mouth
- Headache
- Dark urine with a strong odor
- Confusion
- Dizziness
I would recommend to prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water every single day to avoid health related issues. Don’t wait until you show symptoms of dehydration to take action.
*Nutrition (The sixth Edition) by Paul Insel, Don Ross, Kimberley McMahon and Melissa Bernstein
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