Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. I just love waking up, feeling fresh and energized and ready for a healthy fuel to start my day right. On vacation it is not always easy to choose the healthy option, especially if you just started to change your lifestyle. I would recommend choosing fresh, local products, minimal processed and definitely stay away from high sugary drinks or lemonades. If you eat at a place where they offer a buffet, try to spot the healthier options. Choose whole wheat instead of white bread, try to include healthy fats from seeds, nuts or avocados and grab a good protein source, like eggs, salmon and yoghurt.
During our stay in Palm Springs it was not difficult at all to find a healthier breakfast option. I basically had scrambled eggs, salmon and avocado every single morning, a plain yoghurt with fruits and black coffee with a splash of whole milk. I also asked for freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or orange juice in a small glass to get a little bit more vitamins in. We stayed healthy as much as possible but we also had dessert on two days and enjoyed a few cocktails because balance is key.
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